Saturday, July 16, 2011

Congrats to the 2011 CYGP Corps

By: Alessandra Hankinson

Julian Clark, City Year Alumnus 2010-2011
Great leaders are not often described as great characters. Usually, there is an external impression of men and women being great. City Year members leave remarkable impressions in the schools that they serve. They capture the dynamic of leadership in their roles, and leave a sense of fulfillment on the students whom they’ve mentored. 

For example, a recent City Year graduate, Julian Clark used his leadership to inspire, motivate and influence the youth he served.

As a corps member this year, Julian is described best as a dedicated, honest, realistic, humble, patient, self-aware, and calm person—and also as someone who is aware of others. He anchored his teammates through a successful service year with his confidence, morality, ethics and respectfulness.

“Julian always did what it took to leave service partners content with the work that he provided,” says his project manager, Thuy Ta. “He normally did more than what was asked of him to secure the partnerships that City Year has, and gave everything his all.”

The influence of the work that Julian did with his after school program, City Year Sports League (CYSL), is a true testament that he puts his heart into his service. With the CYSL program, Julian was able to provide athletics for the students at James Rhoads Elementary. At the same time, he was able to use that program as an incentive to make sure that students attended class, had acceptable classroom behavior, and completed their homework. With his dedication to the CYSL and to the students at James Rhoads Elementary, there were always over 40 students who attended the program and he was like a big brother and a coach to all of them.

Many other corps members, like Julian, have used their leadership and influence to help navigate the success of the students who they have mentored. City Year is a program that works because of the individuals who put their hearts into serving the Philadelphia community.

The City Year Greater Philadelphia Alumni Advisory Board celebrates its graduated 2011 corps. Congratulations on completing 10 months of service, and best of luck to you all in your future endeavors!

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